

定     价:¥48.00
作     者:[美]克里斯汀,[美]金姆,李文昊
出 版 社:
版 次:  1 页 数:  334 字 数:  350000
印刷时间:  2019-04-01 开 本:  16开 纸 张:


印 次:  1 装 帧:  平装-胶订 正文语种:  














目录 Contents
使用说明............................ 7
Chapter 1 Household 居家
1.1 饮食 Food............................................10
1.2 家具 Furniture.....................................12
1.3 家务 Housework..................................15
1.4 养花 Raise Flowers..............................17
1.5 宠物 Pets..............................................20
1.6 烹饪 Cooking.......................................22
Chapter 2 Education 教育
2.1 班级 Classes.........................................26
2.2 同学 Classmates...................................28
2.3 考试 Exams..........................................31
2.4 奖励 Awards.........................................33
2.5 社团 Clubs............................................36
2.6 留学 Study Abroad...............................38
Chapter 3 Marriage 婚姻
3.1 告白 Love Confession..........................42
3.2 约会 Dates............................................44
3.3 爱情 Love.............................................47
3.4 求婚 Proposal.......................................49
3.5 婚礼 Wedding.......................................52
3.6 离婚 Divorce........................................54
Chapter 4 Shopping 购物
4.1 逛街 Window Shopping........................58
4.2 商场 Stores............................................60
4.3 网购 Online Shopping...........................63
4.4 讲价 Bargain.........................................66
4.5 退换 Exchange......................................68
4.6 结账 Payment........................................71
4.7 会员 Membership..................................73
Chapter 5 Traffic 交通
5.1 问路 Ask the Way.................................78
5.2 公交 Buses............................................80
5.3 堵车 Traffic Jam...................................83
5.4 飞机 Planes...........................................86
5.5 火车 Trains............................................89
5.6 轮船 Ships.............................................91
5.7 意外 Accidents......................................93
5.8 违规 Violation.......................................96
Chapter 6 Investment 投资
6.1 收入 Income........................................100
6.2 支出 Expenses.....................................102
6.3 保险 Insurances...................................105
6.4 股票 Stocks.........................................108
6.5 投资 Investment..................................111
6.6 理财 Money Management...................114
Chapter 7 Communication 交际
7.1 致谢 Thanks........................................118
7.2 礼物 Presents......................................120
7.3 纠纷 Disputes......................................123
7.4 帮助 Help............................................125
7.5 拜访 Visits...........................................128
7.6 邀请 Invitations...................................130
7.7 道歉 Apologies....................................132
Chapter 8 Trade 贸易
8.1 订单 Order..........................................136
8.2 谈判 Negotiation.................................139
8.3 包装 Package......................................142
8.4 运输 Shipment....................................145
8.5 付款 Payment......................................148
8.6 索赔 Claims.........................................150
8.7 营销 Marketing....................................153
8.8 展会 Exhibition....................................156
Chapter 9 Work 工作
9.1 求职 Job-hunting.................................160
9.2 面试 Interview.....................................163
9.3 出差 On Business................................166
9.4 加班 Work Overtime...........................169
9.5 请假 Ask for Leave.............................171
9.6 辞职 Resignation.................................173
9.7 加薪 A Pay Raise.................................176
9.8 升职 Promotion....................................178
Chapter 10 Festivals 节日
10.1 元旦 The New Years Day...................182
10.2 春节 The Spring Festival....................184
10.3 元宵 The Lantern Festival...................187
10.4 端午 The Dragon Boat Festival...........190
10.5 中秋 The Mid-Autumn Festival...........193
10.6 清明 The Tomb-Sweeping Day............196
10.7 七夕 Chinese Valentines Day..............199
10.8 圣诞 The Christmas Day ....................202
Chapter 11 Travels 旅游
11.1 行李 Luggage....................................206
11.2 咨询 Inquiry.......................................209
11.3 野营 Camp........................................212
11.4 景点 Resorts......................................214
11.5 观光 Tour...........................................217
Chapter 12 Relaxation 休闲
12.1 影视 Film and Television.................222
12.2 音乐 Music.......................................225
12.3 打球 Play Ball..................................227
12.4 绘画 Painting....................................230
12.5 象棋 Chess........................................233
12.6 跳舞 Dancing....................................235
12.7 酒吧 Pubs..........................................238
Chapter 13 Chatting 聊天
13.1 压力 Pressure....................................242
13.2 网络 Internet.....................................244
13.3 梦想 Dreams......................................247
13.4 爱好 Hobbies.....................................250
13.5 时间 Time..........................................252
13.6 灾害 Disasters....................................255
13.7 污染 Pollution....................................258
13.8 吸烟 Smoking....................................261
13.9 失败 Failure.......................................263
Chapter 14 Hospitals 医院
14.1 挂号 Registration...............................268
14.2 住院 Hospitalization..........................270
14.3 探病 Visit Patients.............................273
14.4 出院 Discharge from Hospital...........275
14.5 咨询 Inquiry.......................................278
14.6 吃药 Medicine...................................280
Chapter 15 Banks 银行
15.1 开户 Open an Account......................284
15.2 存取 Deposit and Withdrawal...........287
15.3 贷款 Loans........................................290
15.4 挂失 Report the Loss.........................293
15.5 汇款 Remittance................................296
15.6 兑换 Currency Exchange...................299
15.7 支票 Checks.......................................302
Chapter 16 Hotels 酒店
16.1 预订 Reservation...............................306
16.2 入住 Check in....................................309
16.3 用餐 At Dinner...................................312
16.4 服务 Services.....................................315
16.5 退房 Check out..................................318
Chapter 17 Cosmetology 美容
17.1 理发 Haircut.....................................322
17.2 修面 Shave........................................324
17.3 修眉 Trim Eyebrows.........................327
17.4 化妆品 Cosmetics..............................329
17.5 整容 Plastic Surgery...........................332



1.1饮食 Food
情景对话 Dialogue
Stevens wife Julia has prepared breakfast. She called Steven to have it. Now they are at table.
Julia: Steven, breakfast is ready now.
Steven: OK. But where is my favorite coffee? Didnt you boil it?
Julia: Its in that pan over there. Your boy Dean broke the silex yesterday, so I have to boil it in
the pan.
Steven: It tastes like crankcase oil, but delicious.
Julia: Well, you can make breakfast by yourself if you dont like it.
Steven: What is there besides coffee?
Julia: I warmed a couple of rolls, and your eggs are in the frying pan.
Steven: Oh, my God. Its nearly eight. I have no time to have breakfast now. My watch says
seven fifty.
Julia: Dont worry. Its only ten to seven. You must have forgotten to set your watch one hour back.
Steven: Yes, it was. The clock on the wall says eight to seven.
Julia: Yeah. Just eat your breakfast. You can catch the early bus.
Steven: Gee. I could have slept another hour.
单词短语 Words and Phrases
silex [ˈsaɪleks] n. 玻璃制成的咖啡壶   crankcase oil 机油
delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs] adj. 美味的,可口的   roll [rəʊl] n. 面包卷
核心句型 Key Sentences
1. Its time for breakfast. (Its time to eat breakfast.) 该吃早饭了。
2. Is dinner ready? (Is it time for dinner yet?) 晚饭好了吗?
3. Its time to eat. We have bacon and eggs for supper. 该吃饭啦!我们的晚饭有腌猪肉和鸡蛋。
4. We had a late supper yesterday. 我们昨天很晚才吃的晚饭。
5. Lets sit down to breakfast. 我们坐下来吃早餐吧!
6. Im full.(I have had enough.)我吃饱了。
7. We breakfasted on toast and milk. 我们早餐吃的是烤面包片和牛奶。
8. Im picky about what I eat because I am on a diet. 我正在节食,所以挑食挑得厉害。
9. Where is my favorite coffee? 我最喜欢喝的咖啡在哪里?
10. I will fill your bowl with rice. 我给你盛点米饭。
11. Your eggs are in the frying pan. 你的鸡蛋在煎锅里。
12. Come over and taste this. 快来尝尝这个。
13. Ill have a little bit. 我再吃一小块。
14. Eat up your dinner. 你把饭吃完。
15. I have had breakfast, but they have not had it yet. 我吃过早饭了,但他们还没吃。
地道英语 Idiomatic English
1. What is there besides fish? 除了鱼还有什么?
2. Ill eat whatever you cant finish. 剩下的我全包了。
3. How about another piece of pie? 再吃一块馅饼吧?
注 表示委婉的提议,要注意语气。
4. I cant eat any more. (I couldnt eat another thing.) 我吃不下了。
注 表示“吃饱了”也可以简单地说成是Im full.
5. You eat like a bird. 你饭量真小。
注“饭量”一词应避免直译。类似的表达也可以说:You eat like a horse. 你饭量真大。
由此及彼 Draw Inferences
1. I cooked two fried eggs. 我做了两个煎蛋。
2. Just be quick to finish your breakfast. 快点儿把早餐吃完。
3. Can you ladle the soup out of this deep pan for me? 你能从这个深底盆里舀点汤给我吗?
4. Eat all of your vegetables in your plate. 把你盘子里的菜吃光。
5. What would you like to eat, tomatoes or mushrooms? 你想吃什么,西红柿还是蘑菇?
6. Dont be picky. 不许挑食。
7. We usually eat at home, but sometimes we go out for lunch.
8. Once in a while we go to a restaurant, but usually we eat at home.
9. I juiced an orange for my breakfast. 我用一个橙子榨汁作早餐饮料。
10. We may have cold dish for supper. 晚饭我们可以吃凉菜。




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