
详细主题分类对症下药,面对不同场合都能轻松应对! 旅游实用重点句型一次掌握,让你在老外面前也能侃侃而谈!

定     价:¥49.80元
作     者:张红玲编 者:易人外语教研组
出 版 社:江苏凤凰科学技术出版社
版 次:  1 页 数:  336页 字 数:  470000
印刷时间:  2018年2月1日 开 本:  16开 纸 张:


印 次:  1 装 帧:  平装 正文语种:  









1. 全书收录近900个典型常用的句型,涵盖出国旅游的不同场合,更有详细的句型解析及重点单词讲解,地道口语轻松学!

2. 在每个句子后都匹配了包含重点句型的情景对话,带入真实语境,中英文同步编排更方便理解学习,提高听说能力!

3. 按照不同单元主题划分,除了练习听说能力,还有相关贴心提示,让你提前了解不同的文化背景和风俗习惯,安心出国游!

4. 邀请专业外籍人士录制音频,发音地道,学习更高效。扫描二维码即可收听,让你随时随地学英语!





使用说明 4

Chapter 1 Begin a trip开启旅程

Unit 1 Landing 入境 6

Unit 2 Retrieving the luggage 行李提取 9

Unit 3 Exit 出关 16

Chapter 2 Accommodation酒店入住

Unit 1 Checking in 登记入住 25

Unit 2 Room service 客房服务 30

Unit 3 Making complaints 投诉 36

Unit 4 Checking out 退房 41

Chapter 3 Transportation交通出行

Unit 1 Taking a bus 乘坐公交 47

Unit 2 Taking the subway 乘坐地铁 54

Unit 3 Taking a train 乘坐火车 58

Unit 4 Taking a taxi 乘坐出租车 64

Unit 5 Driving a car 租车出行 70

Unit 6 Taking a ship 乘坐轮船 75

Chapter 4 Enjoying meals享受美食

Unit 1 Booking a table 订位 83

Unit 2 Ordering food 点菜 89

Unit 3 Eating 用餐 96

Unit 4 Discussing the meal 品评饭菜 101

Unit 5 Paying the bill 结账 105

Chapter 5 Shopping消费购物

Unit 1 Choose to ask 挑选询问 111

Unit 2 Try to experience 试穿体验 119

Unit 3 Bargain 讨价还价 125

Unit 4 Exchange and refund 退货换货 130

Unit 5 Tax refund 办理退税 135

Chapter 6 Cultural appreciation文化欣赏

Unit 1 At the theater 在剧院 142

Unit 2 At the concert 在音乐会 148

Unit 3 In the museum 在博物馆 153

Unit 4 In the gallery 在画廊 158

Unit 5 Local customs 风土人情 164

Chapter 7 Outdoor activities观光游览

Unit 1 Tourist service center 游客中心 170

Unit 2 Natural beauty 自然风光 173

Unit 3 Historic site 古迹风情 184

Unit 4 City sightseeing 市区观光 189

Unit 5 Visiting a famous university 参观名校

Unit 6 Taking photos 拍照留念 199

Chapter 8 Entertainment休闲娱乐

Unit 1 In the amusement park 去游乐园 207

Unit 2 Hot spring&SPA 温泉&SPA 211

Unit 3 Go swimming 游泳 218

Unit 4 Skiing 滑雪 224

Unit 5 In the bar 在酒吧 231

Chapter 9 Service for daily life生活服务

Unit 1 Making a telephone call 打电话 239

Unit 2 At the bank 在银行 245

Unit 3 At the post office 在邮局 251

Unit 4 At the pharmacy 在药店 256

Chapter 10 Emergency紧急情况

Unit 1 Getting lost 迷路 262

Unit 2 Falling ill 生病 268

Unit 3 Getting injured 受伤 273

Unit 4 Things get lost 财物丢失 277

Unit 5 Traffic accident 交通事故 283

Unit 6 Cars breaking down 车辆抛锚 290

Unit 7 About credit card 信用卡问题 295

Chapter 11 Flying home坐飞机回国

Unit 1 Getting aboard 登机 301

Unit 2 Checking the luggage 托运行李 305

Unit 3 Security check 通关检查 310

Unit 4 On the airplane 在飞机上 312

Unit 5 Transit and transfer 过境和转机 319

Unit 6 Animal & plant quarantine 动植物检验324

附录 旅行必知tips

Unit 1 申请护照 328

Unit 2 申请签证 328

Unit 3 时差问题 328

Unit 4 兑换外币 331

Unit 5 关于小费 332



Unit 1 Landing 入境

You may say

1 I just plan to stay for about 10 days.

plan to do sth表示“打算做某事”,同义表达为:intend to do sth。不过后者的目的性更强一些。

A: Hi, how long will you stay in the United States?

B: I am a tourist so I just plan to stay for about 10 days.



tourist [ˈtʊərɪst] n. 游客

2 Im here for sightseeing.

for+名词/动名词,表示目的,同义表达还有in order to do。本句中for sightseeing意思是“来旅游”。表达目的时还可以说:for business“来出差”;for study“来学习”。

A: Whats the purpose of your visit to London?

B: Im here for sightseeing. Id like to visit Westminster Abbey.



purpose [ˈpɜ:pəs] n. 目的,作用 abbey [ˈæbɪ] n. 大修道院,大寺院

3 I will stay in Hilton Hotel in Paris.

will/shall do sth是一般将来时态的用法,表示打算做某事。一般将来时态的表达法还有:begoing to dobe about to dobe due to dobe doingbe to do或者用一般现在时。

A: Where are you going to stay during your trip?

B: I will stay in Hilton Hotel in Paris. I heard the service there is great.



during [ˈdjʊərɪŋ] prep. 在……期间 Hilton Hotel 希尔顿酒店

4 Here it is.

Here it is表示“给你”,是给对方东西时的一句常用口语。同义表达为:Here you are。当物体是复数形式时,只能用Here you areHere they are


A: May I see your passport, please?

B: Sure. Wait a moment, please. Here it is.



passport [ˈpɑ:spɔ:t] n. 护照,通行证 wait a moment 稍等一下

5 I have ordered my return ticket.

Have/has done是英语中的现在完成时用法,表示过去发生幷且已经完成的动作对现在造成影响,是从过去某一时间开始幷一直持续到现在,幷且有可能还会持续的动作或状态。

A: This visa is good for two weeks. Do you intend to stay longer than that?

B: No, I have ordered my return ticket, and I will go back within 10 days.



intend [ɪnˈtend] v. 打算,计划 within [wɪˈeɪn] prep. 在……范围内

6 I am sorry but I dont understand Dutch.

Im sorry后习惯上接表示转折的连词but,用以委婉地提出一个使对方不快或自己感到抱歉的事实或状况。句子中,but本身无特殊意义,只是语法上的需要。

A: Does anyone here speak Chinese? I am sorry but I dont understand Dutch.

B: Wait a moment please. I am going to find someone good at Chinese as soon

as possible.



Dutch [dʌtʃ] n. 荷兰人,荷兰语 as soon as possible 尽快

7 I have 2,000 dollars in total.

“数字+in total”表示“总计……量”,同义表达法还有altogether/totally,本句意为“我一共带了2000美元”。

A: How much money do you prepare for this trip?

B: I have 2000 dollars in total, and I want to buy some souvenirs for my parents.



souvenir [ˌsu:vəˈnɪə(r)] n. 纪念品




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